What is Chronic Knee Pain

Written on 07/21/2024
Dr. Thomas Shuster

Symptomatic knee osteoarthritis, chronic knee pain is a common and disabling disease. Its causes are multifactorial with no known cure. It is the most common degenerative joint disease affecting 40% of men, 47% of women over 30 million Americans. Osteoarthritis is the leading cause of chronic disability and economic burden in the developed world.

What Causes Chronic Knee Pain
Chronic knee pain is multifactorial, but its corner stone is the increase in sensory nerve growth along articular cartilage, menisci and synovium stimulated by overuse or wear and tear. This new growth of sensory nerves is due to new abnormal blood vessel growth resulting from neuropeptides released from chronic inflammation.

What are the Current Treatments for Chronic Knee Pain
Modern treatment options include conservative treatment pain medication, physical therapy, intraarticular injections (steroid, platelet-rich plasma, hyaluronic acid), weight loss and ultimately total knee replacement surgery. A new durable procedure supported by research and positive outcomes is Genicular Artery Embolization.

What is Genicular Artery Embolization GAE
A non-surgical procedure that allows the precise placement of a medication directly at the site of pain. Microscopic arteries that supply nerves are treated with micro particles to greatly reduce the pain by reducing inflammation. This procedure is carried out in an office setting with immediate ambulation.

Who is a Candidate for Geniculate Artery Embolization GAE
A patient with chronic knee pain that has failed treatments of physical therapy, oral medication or multiple knee injections. Patients who are not candidates for total knee replacement or who do not want total joint replacement. Patients that have had previous total knee replacement and have residual chronic pain and/or swollen knee from surgical trauma (hemarthrosis). GAE does not prevent you from having any other form of future treatments ie. open total knee surgery.

What Can I Expect If I Have a GAE Procedure
The procedure is performed by a board-certified Vascular Surgeon. It requires a 1 hr office-based procedure performed under local sedation through a catheter place in your artery. You are able to walk out of the office after the procedure. Modern studies state 85% of patients can expect 50-60% improvement within one week and continued improvement over the next six months. The pain relief can continue for up to three years and can be repeated if necessary. It is more durable than knee injections and can prevent you from having any other treatment in the future.

What Can I Do If I Have Questions Regarding This Procedure
Call the team at Integrated Vascular Vein Center in Grand Blanc/ Lapeer Michigan 810 606 1660. After we do a comprehensive evaluation, evaluate all previous radiologic exams and previous Doctor consultations, we will provide you with your options and help you make a decision that is best for you and your quality of life.